🟦 Windows

Installation of DaneeCloud on Windows

  1. Go to https://nodejs.org/ and download NodeJS (Minimum v18)

  2. Go to https://github.com/DaneeSkripter/DaneeCloud/releases and download source code of latest version.

  3. Then navigate to folder where you downloaded the code and run in that folder command prompt and run this command:

npm install 
  1. After installing fill out config.json and .env

.env Template:

SESSION_SECRET= // Random string
mongo_srv= // Your MongoDB URL
smtp_username= // Username for SMTP user
smtp_password= // Password for SMTP user
smtp_host= // SMTP Host
smtp_port= // Port for SMTP
emailSender= // SMTP sender (example@domain.com)
CSRF_TOKEN= // Random 32 characters string
RCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY= // ReCaptcha Site Key (Not required)

config.json Template:

    "cloudname": "",
    "cloudurl": "",
    "port": 5000,
    "uploadsfolder": "/uploads/",
    "logtofile": false,
    "registerip": false,
    "disableRegister": false,
    "enableRecaptcha": false
  1. Then run this command:

node index.js

That will run your cloud, enjoy!

Last updated